I know this isn't exactly the most technology-laden lesson, but it turned out great and I wanted to share it. I was surfing for some ideas to help me teach fractions, I came upon the
Math Cats idea bank, which is a decent site. It mentioned
Picture Pie by
Ed Emberly. I remembered Ed Emberly from my childhood. He taught me how to draw! So I checked it out from my school library and looked at how he created the amazing plants and animals out of circles and fractions of circles. He uses whole circles, halves, quarters, and eighths. I had my students fill out a
label paper telling how many of each fraction piece they had in their plant/animal. I decided that my students could do it and would love it. Check out the results:
Here's an example of a fraction animal. |
There are more animals and plants up there now, but this is how it started. |